quarta-feira, 7 de maio de 2008

Notebook ultraportátil brasileiro chega em maio por R$ 999

Positivo anuncia lançamento do Mobo, notebook com 1,1 kg e tela de 7 polegadas.
Portátil vai ter versão 'para crianças', com teclado à prova de líquidos.

A Positivo Informática apresentou nesta quarta (7) um computador ultraportátil que chegará às lojas brasileiras em 23 de maio por R$ 999. Segundo Hélio Rotenberg, presidente da empresa, esse é o único notebook do mercado local que custa menos de R$ 1 mil.

A máquina se chama Mobo e usa o sistema operacional Windows XP Home. Ela pesa 1,1 kg, tem tela de 7 polegadas, webcam, placa de rede, sistema wireless, processador de 1,0 GHz, 512 de memória RAM e armazenamento em memória flash de 2 gigabytes. Essa capacidade pode ser aumentada com uso de acessórios como pen drives e discos rígidos externos - para isso, o Mobo tem duas portas USB.

O computador tem também discador que permite acesso à internet discada sem o pagamento de provedor, Open Office, Adobe Acrobat Reader e dicionário Aurélio gratuito por um ano.

Uma versão do produto para crianças, com teclado resistente a líquidos, será lançada em junho pelo mesmo preço do Mobo "adulto". O Mobo para crianças tem visual infantil e segue a configuração desenvolvida para o notebook Classmate PC, fruto da parceria entre Positivo e Intel. "Entendemos que essa é a melhor alternativa quando se considera o uso da tecnologia aplicada à educação" diz Rotenberg.

Segundo o executivo, o lançamento do Mobo não indica que a Positivo vai abandonar o Classmate PC, notebook que concorre a uma licitação para ser adotado em escolas públicas brasileiras. "Não estamos abandonando nada e, sim, acrescentando mais um produto à linha educacional", explica.

Rotenberg disse que pretende ganhar novamente a licitação (atualmente suspensa) do Ministério da Educação com o Classmate PC -- que não pode ser vendido no varejo e é voltado para escolas.

Uma pesquisa encomendada pela Positivo indica que o público alvo do novo produto são as classes A e B, que devem adotá-lo como segundo notebook principalmente por conta da portabilidade. O mesmo estudo aponta que a classe C, foco das iniciativas de inclusão digital, prefere os desktops, para poder compartilhar o computador com a família.

domingo, 4 de maio de 2008

Schoolzone teacher-oriented web site approves the E-Blocks Math

Positivo Informática’s multi-sensory learning system was appraised by the independent website that gathers the largest teacher research community in the UK, presenting great results in the classroom pratice and being well evaluated also by its content and designed

CURITIBA, 22/04/2006 - The Schoolzone, an independent web site that covers a wide spectrum of educational resources and issues to sharing good practice and advice, has recently evaluated the E-Blocks Math, the multi-sensory learning system developed by the brazilian company Positivo Informática, with excellent results. “The activities meet many of the objectives for the Renewed Primary Framework for mathematics - the resource covers all of the objectives for early maths development and can be used to complement mathematical teaching in any classroom”, wrote Stacey Myers, the teacher responsible for the evaluation.

Operating under a multi-sensorial approach, associating hardware, software, blocks with numbers, arrows and characters, the E-Blocks Math Learning Table links abstract and concrete to achieve coherent and intuitive learning. Groups of up to 6 students from 3 to 8 years old work through contents such as spatial notion, location, classification, geometric objects, sizes, shapes or forms, dimensions, identification of numbers, putting together mathematical operations for adding and subtracting, sequential patterns, logical instructions and problem solving.

Schoolzone is a teacher-based service appointed by the DfES (now DCSF) to produce evaluations for Curriculum Online, including software, web sites, hardware, peripherals and any other resources, events or projects related to education. The evaluations are objective and comprehensive, focusing on classroom practice, and aimed to spread good practice and to help teachers make informed decisions.

E-Blocks system was used by Stacey Myers in an inner London primary school, at an underachieving Year 1 class with a number of special needs children. The program was introduced using the interactive whiteboard and then used on an individual and group basis by the children. “This program was well-received by the children; their response was very positive. I have seen a noticeable improvement in the children who have been using the program. Their understanding of maths has improved substantially and they are much more confident in using numbers”, commented Myers in her evaluation.

Some highligths of the E-Blocks evaluation results:
- The content on the resource is appropriate for the teaching of initial maths concepts for reception and KS1 classes but can also be used with older children who require additional mathematical support.
- The assessment and tracking capabilities of E-Blocks are very impressive. There are two mains sections to the teacher management system available through the resource. It is possible to see the number of times an activity has been accessed, the amount of time it was took the child to finish the activity, how many questions were answered on the first attempt, how many questions needed more attempts, how many points the group scored, and the percentage of correct answers. This information can then be exported to a spreadsheet or printed and used when setting future work or completing reports. I found it very useful to see which areas of maths the children appeared confident in and in which areas they required additional support.
- The design and navigation of the program is very user-friendly. There weren’t any technical issues experienced and the installation was very straightforward. The story which the resource is built around is appropriate to the target age-range and really brought the content to life.
- There are clear installation instructions, which are accompanied by appropriate photos. The pictures are really useful and help to contextualise the possible use of the product. Even people who do not feel particularly confident with the use of ICT within the classroom would be able to follow these instructions without difficulty.
- Step-by-step instructions are given on the best way to introduce the program to the children. Only one session was necessary to familiarise the children with the program. This was done as a whole class group using the interactive whiteboard. Some of the less-able children needed some extra assistance to fully understand what was necessary for each activity, but were then able to work independently.

To read the complete evaluation at the Schoolzone web site, click here. To learn more about E-Blocks visit the solution hot site at www.eblocks.net.

About Schoolzone:
The Schoolzone web site was set up by a group of enthusiastic teachers and parents in Oxford in 1997, seeing the need for safe, differentiated Internet material which teachers, students and parents could access easily. Currently Schoolzone receives over 20,000 unique users a day, making it one of the UK"s most used educational sites, as well as the biggest – it lists 41,000 educational sites reviewed by teachers, 6,000 events and organisers, 35,000 schools and colleges, 6,200 educational suppliers and many, many thousands of educational products and services. The web site is run and owned by Schoolzone.co.uk Ltd.

About Positivo Informática:
Founded in 1989, Positivo Informática (BOVESPA:POSI3) has a national and international presence, offering the most advanced technology solutions, from the production of computers to the development of educational tools. The company operates through two business divisions: Hardware and Educational Technology. The Hardware Division portfolio offers a complete line of personal computers (desktops and notebooks), servers and printers, and has led the PC domestic market for 13 consecutive quarters according to IDC. In order to provide support for all of its activities, it maintains a technical support network comprising 411 licensed companies, covering every Brazilian city, as well as the CRP (Positivo Relationship Center). In the Educational Technology segment, Positivo Informática offers exclusive solutions, comprising interactive learning tables, educational software and portals, in addition to technical support and professional qualification services for teachers and users. See www.positivoinformatica.com.br

Assistência técnica

São 403 assistências técnicas autorizadas pela Positivo Informática em todo o Brasil.

O computador mais vendido do Brasil

A liderança nacional da Positivo Informática na fabricação de computadores é conseqüência do seu investimento em soluções inovadoras, que integram hardware, software, periféricos e serviços, e que resultam em produtos e serviços sob medida para o consumidor. Também, é resultado da sua presença em mais de 5,2 mil cidades brasileiras e da sua forte atuação no varejo, na área pública e no mercado corporativo.

A Positivo Informática

Liderança e qualidade para o Brasil e o mundo

A Positivo Informática é hoje a maior fabricante de computadores do Brasil e a número 1 em tecnologia educacional, também exportada para vários países do mundo. Ambas as conquistas são resultado de quase duas décadas de muito trabalho em equipe, conhecimento, visão empreendedora e investimento do Grupo Positivo na área tecnológica.

Ao longo de sua trajetória, a Positivo Informática ganhou credibilidade como fornecedora de soluções tecnológicas para hardware e área educacional.

Tecnologia Educacional

Foi através da área de informática, representada pela Positivo Informática, que o Grupo Positivo se transformou no maior produtor de tecnologia educacional do País.

Contando com uma equipe multidisciplinar, representada por profissionais de informática, educadores e designers, e também possui o seu relacionamento com empresas estrangeiras, situadas em Israel, Estados Unidos e Inglaterra, a Positivo Informática coloca à disposição do mercado soluções integradas em tecnologia educacional. Todas únicas e líderes em suas categorias. São elas:

Softwares Educacionais;

Portais na Internet;

Mesas Educacionais;

Serviços Adicionais.